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> What are some good representative recordings of what people are 
> calling the "top 20" or "pop" Ladino songs?

hi, with respect to your question,Ted,  see my discography, courtesy of
Ari through KlezmerShack...

but in terms of "good, representative", it depends on what one thinks of
as (a) good and (b) representative.

Representative of WHAT?
How they were sung traditionally? 
How they're sung by Group or Artist X or Y or Z?

Good in whose terms?.....

In terms of the Turkish repertoire,the absolutely best singers are 
Berta/Bienvenida Aguado (Turkey) and
 David Saltiel (Greece); the only GROUP I'd personally recommend is Los
Pasharos Sefardies, from whom a lot of people learned songs, and perhaps
the third of the cd series by the group Arboleda; 

for Morocco, Gerineldo.

(Yes, yes, I can hear you all calling out "what about Yasmin Levy? what
about Ruth Yaacov? What about Gerard Edery? what about....? I'm talking
about older ways of singing ; these and other singers are very good
indeed, but I don't think of them as "representative". Nor do I
particularly want to start a long thread about this - PERSONALLY, that's
what I think, regardless of the high esteem I hold for many others as
musicians. Naturally, everyone has his/her personal preferences, which
in many, perhaps most! cases don't coincide with mine...)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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