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Re: [Fwd: Inquiry re "Eli, Eli"]

Isn't this just the same Eli, Eli we all know and love?  :-)

music (at) sterlingmp(dot)org wrote:

>Friends, I could find this, but others will, I imagine, be able to retrieve
>it more quickly and (if further questions ensue) knowledgably.  Can someone
>else this guy?
>(forwarded to me by a third party; I don't know him)
>Robert Cohen
>I seek the lyrics to a plaintive Yiddish song that begins, in Hebrew,
>with a quotation from the 22nd Psalm, "Eli, Eli, lama azavtani," after
>which the second line begins with the Yiddish for "In fire and flame..."
>If you have any associates in Israel, please forward my query to them as
>well. CLF News is the online journal of the Council for the Literature of
>the Fantastic, which publishes articles and reviews on this type of
>literature, past and present, throughout the world.
>Need leads by 03:00 PM US/Eastern JUN 27
>>>>Daniel Pearlman <dpearl (at) uri(dot)edu> Phone: 401-453-3027

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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