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Fwd: Ciclos for guitar

Mel Bay Publications has issued a book of Sephardic music for guitar. The book is called Ciclos and was arranged by Daniel Akiva, a composer with whom I have the pleasure of working...
...I was able to convince Mel Bay to take this project on, and it took them 4 years to complete.
The book includes Akiva's arrangements of Sephardic songs, as well as several compositions for guitar based on Sephardic songs. The notation is both conventional and tablature, and a CD is included. The level is for advanced and professional players.

More information can be found on the Mel Bay site:

Yossi Zucker
OR-TAV Music Publications
P.O.B. 1126; Kfar Sava  44110  Israel
Tel. +972-9-767-9869    Fax. +972-9-766-2855
email: email (at) ortav(dot)com
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