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Re: Richard Farina/Carolyn Hester

   I talked to Teddy Schwartz not long ago and we talked about "Dona
   Dona"  and Joan Baez.  She said someone (Sorry, I forget who) had
   showed her  Teddy's book of wonderful translations of Yiddish and
   Hebrew songs  (Tumbalalaika, 1956)  into singable English, and that is
   one she chose  to do.  I don't know if I'm telling anyone anything
   new, but there it is. Lorele

The someone--I'm almost certain--was Tony Saletan (a long-time Boston/New
England folkie).

Cheers to all, sorry for any misreadings on my part,

Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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