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Re: Four Quesions on Am Yisroel Chai

If memory serves me correctly, "Am Yisroel Chai" is chanted during Kiddush Levanah for the New Moom or as part of Havdalah.

>From: Sam Weiss
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject: Re: Four Quesions on Am Yisroel Chai
>Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 23:26:58 -0400
>At 10:12 AM 4/28/03, Gavriel Bellino wrote:
>>1. What is the source of the words? (I researched the phrase in the
>>Biblical and Rabbinic literature and drew a blank. Is it a loose
>>rephrasing of a biblical theme? If so which one? I have a few
>>ideas, but
>>nothing too elucidating. ) Is it a poetic creation for the sake of
>>song, like Hava Nagilah?
>The phrase Am Yisrael ("the Jewish people") is not liturgical and,
>as you indicate, not scriptural; it probably arose with Zionism, and
>along with it, the slogan "Am Yisrael Chai". But Am Yisrael is very
>close to some biblical phrases, and the differences are noteworthy.
>The common biblical equivalent to Am Yisrael is simply Yisrael. We
>also find B'ney Yisrael ("the progeny of Israel") or Beyt Yisrael
>("the house of Israel"), phrases that retain the tribal associations
>with an ancestor called Yisrael (=Jacob) -- along the lines of Beyt
>Aharon, Beyt Ya'akov, Beyt [ha-]Levi -- rather than an independent
>The biblical phrases that do contain "Am-" in connection with
>"Yisrael" seem to further negate the notion of an "independent
>people" inasmuch as they are always combined with a pronoun (usually
>referring to God). Thus we find Amcha Yisrael, Ami Yisrael and Amo
>Yisrael, but no Am Yisrael.
>Absolve, O Lord, Your people Israel whom You redeemed, and do not
>let guilt for the blood of the innocent remain among Your people
>KINGS 6.13
>I will abide among the children of Israel, and I will never forsake
>My people Israel.
>But then I chose Jerusalem for My name to abide there, and I chose
>David to rule My people Israel.
>DANIEL 9.20
>While I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of
>my people Israel...
>For days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will restore the
>fortunes of My people Israel and Judah, said the Lord...
>PSALMS 135.12
>...and gave their lands as a heritage, as a heritage to His people
>JOEL 4.2
>I will gather all the nations
>And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
>There I will contend with them
>Over My very own people, Israel,
>Which they scattered among the nations.
>Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ
>---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
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