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Re: Four Quesions on Am Yisroel Chai

    The biblical phrases that do contain "Am-" in connection with
   "Yisrael"  seem to further negate the notion of an "independent
   people" inasmuch as  they are always combined with a pronoun (usually
   referring to God).  Thus  we find Amcha Yisrael, Ami Yisrael and Amo
   Yisrael, but no Am Yisrael.

I'm curious what Cantor Sam, in this helpful posting, means by the Biblical
phrases seeming to negate the notion of an "independent people"--and I'm
not clear what he means _by_ that phrase in quotes, either.

Do you mean, Sam, that the people only exists, Toraitically, in
relationship to G*d?

--Robert Cohen

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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