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Re: Four Quesions on Am Yisroel Chai

At 10:12 AM 4/28/03, Gavriel Bellino wrote:
>1. What is the source of the words? (I researched the phrase in the
>Biblical and Rabbinic literature and drew a blank. Is it a loose
>rephrasing of a biblical theme? If so which one? I have a few ideas, but
>nothing too elucidating. ) Is it a poetic creation for the sake of a
>song, like Hava Nagilah?

The phrase Am Yisrael ("the Jewish people") is not liturgical and, as you 
indicate, not scriptural; it probably arose with Zionism, and along with 
it, the slogan "Am Yisrael Chai".  But Am Yisrael is very close to some 
biblical phrases, and the differences are noteworthy.  The common biblical 
equivalent to Am Yisrael is simply Yisrael. We also find B'ney Yisrael 
("the progeny of Israel") or Beyt Yisrael ("the house of Israel"), phrases 
that retain the tribal associations with an ancestor called Yisrael 
(=Jacob) -- along the lines of Beyt Aharon, Beyt Ya'akov, Beyt [ha-]Levi -- 
rather than an independent "people."

The biblical phrases that do contain "Am-" in connection with "Yisrael" 
seem to further negate the notion of an "independent people" inasmuch as 
they are always combined with a pronoun (usually referring to God).  Thus 
we find Amcha Yisrael, Ami Yisrael and Amo Yisrael, but no Am Yisrael.

Absolve, O Lord, Your people Israel whom You redeemed, and do not let guilt 
for the blood of the innocent remain among Your people Israel.

KINGS 6.13
I will abide among the children of Israel, and I will never forsake My 
people Israel.

But then I chose Jerusalem for My name to abide there, and I chose David to 
rule My people Israel.

While I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my 
people Israel...

For days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will restore the fortunes of 
My people Israel and Judah, said the Lord...

PSALMS 135.12
...and gave their lands as a heritage, as a heritage to His people Israel.

JOEL 4.2
I will gather all the nations
And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.
There I will contend with them
Over My very own people, Israel,
Which they scattered among the nations.

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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