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Re: Passover Food

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On 23/04/2003 at 16:49 Marvin Margoshes wrote:

>Subject: Re: Passover Food
>Speaking of Jewish food:
>I write this email as I eat Manischewitz Fishlets
>(mini gefilte fish) with five alarm Farmer's Horseradish, and King David
>Matzos baked and packed
>in Jerusalem.
>I ask this question:
>Is anyone besides me sick of passover food yet?
>I'm ready to have some bread and bagels.  The Isrealites even got tired of
>manna, and demanded meat.  God sent them enough quail to cover the ground
>a drpth of some feet - as a punishment.

Really, I don't quite know where the hardship is, to be honest. (And,
although I was deprived of a religious upbringing, most years I try to
observe dietary constraints for pesakh, so I _do_ know what it's like..) I
could happily manage without leavened breads most of the time, there are
plenty of acceptable (kosher) alternatives, not just matzo, and I
encountered quite a few of these alternatives e.g. among the Jewish
communities of India (where I spent part of my "mis-spent youth" studying
in the late 60s/early 70s) - perfectly delicious, too! Hmm, ok, beer... I
do _love_ the occasional "real ale" ("warm", still British ale) or stout,
but then, there are a lot of times when I go without one for considerably
longer than a week anyway.

I don't know - some folks will be clamouring for "cheeseburgers" next! ;-)

"Renaissance Man"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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