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purim in boro-park - report

I had to leave the Boro-park simkhes rather early (1AM), but we
(Michael Alpert, Jeff Warschauer, Christian David, Ken Richmond,
Shira Shazeer - among the people on this list) had fun. The "Fringe"
party as I call it was really hopping this year, or maybe its because
i arrived earlier than 4AM.  Stolin-Karlin can always be counted on
for dancing and the Rebbe at Bobov looked healthier this year, so the
atmosphere was more cheerful than last . The Bobover shpil started
off with a scene in the UN with speeches by Bush, Hussein, etc. That
one scene lasted at least half an hour so that's all i saw before
moving on to the sphil at Munkatch, which hadn't started yet (1130
PM) so we went to Skulen, which was the highlight for me. A badchen
did an amazing performance and the spirit was wonderful, great
nigunim. Skulen is in a small shtibl so you're right up there near
the Rebbe. Another great year for a Hasidic purim in Boro-Park.
?ÝItzik Gottesman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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