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Re: purim in boro-park - report

itzik gottesman wrote:
<his account of his travels last night>

We (Jeff W, Michael Alpert, Christian and I) ended up a foursome, and
at some point after the return to Munkatch we checked out Stolin; 
they were davening Ma'ariv (at 2 am)  but about 15 minutes later
we heard music and went back and danced for over an hour with them.
Very warm and welcoming - 3 minutes in I was pulled to the middle of the
circle and pushed through some moves I thought would break my back - 
turns out this guy's pop is a chiropractor!   

Anyway, Stolin made the night for me.  Skulen was very special too,
I wasn't ready to leave there when we did. 

We missed the fringe, too busy burning calories at Stolin!

I got to bed at 4:30, and got up at 7 to go to work.  I'm ready for my nap.


r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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