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Re: Lazar Weiner's music

Thanks, Simon, for pointing out this CD version:

Unfortunately it is an incomplete compilation of the two LP's, so only the 
following 7 Weiner titles (out of 15 on the two LP's) made the cut:

   4.   A Nign  (from Vol.I)
12.   Di Mayse Mit Der Velt (from Vol.I)
13.   Gramen Geshribn In Zamd (from Vol.I)
14.   Der Yid Mitn Fidl (from Vol.I)
20.   Yidn Zingen: Ani Maamin (from Vol.II)
21.   Volt Mayn Tate Raych Geven (from Vol.II)
22.   Yosl Der Klezmer (from Vol.II)

Volume Two of "The Yiddish Art Song" Leon Lishner, bass (Published by
University of Washington Press) has 10 (out of 19 total) Weiner songs,
while Volume One has 5 (out of 16 total) Weiner songs.

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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