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Re: Musicals/Jewish content : Esterke

There is a connection between Esterke and King Kazimier. Thus the town Kazmierze, where many Jews, including my Grandfather lived in the Last Century. I believe that Esterke was the mistress of King Kazimier...not his wife.


>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject: Re: Musicals/Jewish content : Esterke
>Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 13:20:45 -0700 (MST)
>Alex wrote:
>In the Yiddish theater, there was once a show about Estherka, the
>medieval Jewish wife of a Catholic King of Poland. I know more about
>the legend than the show, but I seem to recall that Sholom Secunda was
>involved. The legend (it's not clear whether Estherka was an
>historical figure) has been compared to the Purim story.
>"Esterke" (1940) was the source of "Dona Dona Dona" (words by Aaron
>Zeitlin), which we've discussed before on this list--and, of course,
>eventually became an international folk song (because of Joan Baez's
>recording, _I_ think) in the translation of Arthur Kevess and Teddi
>--Robert Cohen

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