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Re: Mikhl Gelbart

September 2003 the 8th Conference of the International Association of
Yiddish Clubs will take place in Baltimore, Maryland with a theme of

Yiddish Teachers: Heroes Then and Now

We are contemplating a special salute to a teacher/composer/music director
whose work spanned decades and several cities and was very much beloved ...
namely Mikhl (Michl )Gelbart. He wrote for adults and children. One of his
creations for children - IKH BIN A KLEYNER DREYDL (I am a little dreydl)
has been mis-translated into English, Hebrew and God-knows what else.

Lenka Lichtenberg is I understand preparing a play using his music for

What I need is biographical information abut him. Also if he had any
children, relatives, etc. so we may contact them.

Thanks in advance,

Sylvia Schildt

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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