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unappreciated in their time

Maybe the good weather here in MAdrid is befuddling my mind (they are 
promising rain this weekend), but I'm mystified by why there is suddenly an 
endless list of artists, musical and now visual (Van Gogh) ignored or belittled 
during their lifetimes or most of them? Somehow, this seems to have stemmed 
from my "yes-mo-maybe" message.

Ok, so some great artists read music. Some don't. Some people who read music 
are great artists. Some aren't. Just how this is related to why one should 
accept everything about any one approach to Judaism is somewhat mysterious to 

Our band teacher used to say,in our weekly harmony class, "ok, kids, when 
you´re Beethoven you can do as you please.¨Meaning learn the rules first. Sure. 
So? Picasso drew endless realistic anatomy and flora-fauna things before the 
wild stuff we know him for. So? learn the rules of Judaism before being 
creastive with them seems to be the conclusion of these messages. Sounds good 
to me. Hence the "maybe" part of my message. Maybe any one person accepts all 
the rules and maybe s/he doesn't. Maybe s/he learns to say "maybe" about some 
of them.

as for I mercifully forget whose comment "it shows", about non-musically 
literate musicians, what on earth is that supposed to mean? Hope it was an 
attempt at tongue-in-cheek.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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