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RE: Radio Free Klezmer

I've had no problem with it Seth. Registering was fiddly but once in the
first time it was fine.
Pietro C/- <>

>This would be a great thing if it worked, but it doesn't.
>Seth Rogovoy
>author, "The Essential Klezmer: A Music Lover's Guide to Jewish Roots
>and Soul Music"
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 
>> [mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org] On Behalf Of MIAdler (at) 
>> aol(dot)com
>> Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 9:15 PM
>> To: World music from a Jewish slant
>> Subject: Re: Radio Free Klezmer
>> I want to inform you about an internet radio station that 
>> plays a variety of 
>> Klezmer
>> Music 24/7 called Radio Free Klezmer. It can be reached 
>> through the website Just search by klezmer music 
>> and you will find this station.
>>      It plays everything from Naftute Brandwein to Hasidic 
>> New Wave. Its a 
>> great resource for those of us that do not yet have an 
>> extensive collection 
>> of
>> recordings and want to be experience the joy of Klezmer. 
>>        If you are a producer or artist please consider 
>> sending a  cd to the station. Thousands of people worldwide 
>> listen to this station which has been broadcasting for over 3 
>> years. I have personally communicated with a young 
>> Jewish listener from Russia. Eric Levine, the broadcaster, I 
>> believe , is 
>> performing a real
>> mitzvah by exposing the world to our culture. I recently read 
>> a letter sent 
>> to him
>> by a listener from Argentina thanking him for bringing a 
>> little joy to her 
>> life.
>> Anyone familiar with the plight of Jews in Argentina can 
>> appreciate the 
>> importance
>> of something like this.
>>       The station can always use cash donations, but I'd like 
>> to see the 
>> Klezmer
>> community support the station by listening, spreading the word of its 
>> existence,
>> and sending cd's for airplay.
>>      Marc Adler
>> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 
>> ---------------------+ 

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