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Re: Radio Free Klezmer

I want to inform you about an internet radio station that plays a variety of 
Music 24/7 called Radio Free Klezmer. It can be reached through the website Just search by klezmer music and you will find this station.
     It plays everything from Naftute Brandwein to Hasidic New Wave. Its a 
great resource for those of us that do not yet have an extensive collection 
recordings and want to be experience the joy of Klezmer. 
       If you are a producer or artist please consider sending a  cd to the
station. Thousands of people worldwide listen to this station which has been
broadcasting for over 3 years. I have personally communicated with a young 
Jewish listener from Russia. Eric Levine, the broadcaster, I believe , is 
performing a real
mitzvah by exposing the world to our culture. I recently read a letter sent 
to him
by a listener from Argentina thanking him for bringing a little joy to her 
Anyone familiar with the plight of Jews in Argentina can appreciate the 
of something like this.
      The station can always use cash donations, but I'd like to see the 
community support the station by listening, spreading the word of its 
and sending cd's for airplay.
     Marc Adler

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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