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I recently assisted in the production of "Klezmerquerque", a weekend of Klezmer 
music and dance in Albuquerque, NM, and I want to recognize the superb efforts 
of the presenters at this special weekend.

Josh Horowitz, Cookie Segelstein, Stu Brotman and Erik Bendix were simply 
incredible.  They all worked tirelessly for the entire weekend--teaching 
workshops, giving performances, playing for the dancers (led by Erik) and just 
generally sharing their profound and abundant talents with a generosity and 
unselfishness that amazed us all.  They were truly inspiring and left us 
reenergized and eager to move forward in the "Klez" experience. 

And for all the producers out there, these folks were an absolute dream to work 
with.  They were remarkably patient and flexibile when scheduling and 
logistical problems arose.  They had a clear understanding of production 
requirements and limitations, and of their own needs, which were quite modest.  
And they're all just unbelievably nice--very refreshing since we often 
encounter performers who are petulant and demanding.  So, if anyone is planning 
a workshop, festival or other Klezmer event, I can highly recommend this fine 
group of performers and teachers. I can supply contact information if needed.  
You can e-mail me at cohenedmunds (at) netzero(dot)net(dot)

Please help spread the word about this fabulous group of people.  They have so 
much to contribute to the Jewish and World music community and I am looking 
forward to the time when I can see them all again.

R.B. Edmunds
Albuquerque, NM

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