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Robert Cohens club

How many Robert Cohens do we have on the list now?  I'm getting confused.

Can you distinguish yourselves in your sig line in some way, as Lori (at) MAX 
and I do?

Maybe that wouldn't even work, as there's still confusion over that one. 
 We were commenting to one another that people often think one's 
postings belong to the other.  I wish I had said some of the 
intelligent, charming and witty things she says -- and the lyrics!  The 
"As Time Goes By" parody was priceless!  :-)

Lorele, co-chairman of the Loris fan club

music (at) sterlingmp(dot)org wrote:

>   Also, a radio announcer (not usually a dependable source of
>   information)  recently commented that when Frederick Delius lived in
>   Florida, etc. ...
>Hey!  I was a radio announcer--i.e., a producer and host of over 100 radio
>programs on Jewish culture and identity, on (the old) WEVD in New York
>(and CBS-FM and syndication) and another "ethnic" station, on WBAI, and
>for "The Eternal Light"; and I wrote a documentary on contemporary
>American-Jewish music for NPR.  All (he says defensively) were quite well
>researched and were--for all sorts of Jews, from Village Voice readers and
>NPR listeners to (unexpectedly) Monsey, New York frummies--sources of
>reliable information and new perspectives--and, sometimes, important
>Jewish-identity connection.
>So ... harummpphh!!
>--Robert Cohen, "Beethoven" Cohen in my days as Director of Classical
>Music for WVBR-FM, Ithaca, NY

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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