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Were they Jewish?

Biographical information about Jakob ("Jacques") Blumenthal indicates that 
he was pianist in residence to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.  Born in 
Germany and educated in France, he was also a composer of songs, piano 
solos and at least a little bit of chamber music.  But does anybody know 
if he was Jewish?  The question isn't absurd, since Queen Victoria did 
also employ Mr. Disraeli.

Also, a radio announcer (not usually a dependable source of information) 
recently commented that when Frederick Delius lived in Florida, he sang in 
a synagogue.  Does anybody know if he was Jewish?  (Singers in Reform 
temples have often been gentile - especially before the renaissance of 
cantorial singing there.)

Fred Blumenthal
xd2fabl (at) us(dot)ibm(dot)com

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