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Re: "vent"

on 2/22/03 7:51 AM, Judith R Cohen at judithc (at) YorkU(dot)CA wrote:

> Telling Lorele, or me, or anyone else who sincerely thinks as well as
> feels that kol isha tends to be handled in a way  unfair to women to go
> "vent ourselves"in "some feminist group"is insulting, beside the point,
> and unworthy of the intelligence of the person who  "suggested"it.
Your ciriticism is well taken. My objection to Lorele's post had nothing to
do with her content. I should have said that she take her vent to a list
where issues regarding the intersection of jewish practice and human rights
are discussed.  It is my feeling that this list is not such a place. One of
the reasons I feel this way is that this dialogue has never taken place
without a number of posts which speak of normative Halachic pracitces of
Judaism in the most vile and disdainful manner. To me, that is unacceptable,
and no grievance, no matter how deeply felt or how well founded justifies
that kind of behavior.

Jordan Hirsch     

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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