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Re: "vent"

--- Judith R Cohen <judithc (at) YorkU(dot)CA> wrote:

> Note: I am not a feminist. I am not anything I would
> put a label to. But
> it seems pretty undeniable that the rules were made
> by men. They were
> commented on by men, who then "validated"them, over
> centuries. If many
> Orthodox women feel ok with them, well, that's fine
> for them. But women
> were simply not part of the process, 

the premise of that doesnt fit in at al with orthodox
philosophy so i would have to reject that premise
completely. no matter who or how these laws were
developed, the fact still remains that they are divine
in nature. to deny the fact that someone developing
orthodox halacha while having patriarchal intentions
denys the fact that halacha exisits in a vacuum, free
of human intervention; that the role of the human is
to figure it out not create it. despite this, i dont
think it is contradictory to state that, in some way
you are right and that in a society where orthodox
women are more learned than ever, it is halachically
irrensponsible to publish books about modesty without
consulting them on these issues. 

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