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Re:Conference update

 Dear Listers,

I haven't been nudging the list for awhile about the Yiddish Conference
coming to Baltimore Sept. 4,5,6,7 for fear of wearing out my welcome.
But there's a lot going on. For ongoing monthly updates and revelations,
reg. forms and teacher tribute forms, you can visit fishl kutner's site

Or write creativa (at) charm(dot)net

To sum it all up, the theme is YIDDISH TEACHERS: HEROES THEN & NOW

The dates:  Sept. 4,5,6,7     The Place: Hilton Pikesville in Baltimore

We are working on a Proclamation to declare that week Yiddish Week in

Yiddish teachers, scholars, activists will conduct  28 workshops and 3
plenary sessions.

We'll be showing two films: "Uncle Chatzkel" and Yale Strom's "L'Chaim,
Comrade Stalin"

The music menu will include Klezmer, Chasidus, Yiddish Tango, Shule songs,
folk and theatre songs with an emphasis on vocals. There will be concerts
Thursday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning.

A tour of Jewish Baltimore follows a concluding kosher box lunch.

Full conference registration is $291, a little more for the kosher option.

Commuter fee (all events but meals on your own) $130

We have reserved a $95 rate at the Hilton (plus 13% tax). You must reserve
with them directly.

All of these details on the website. Or call me at 410 298 4765

Canadians and other international visitors, ask us about currency exchange

We want you here.

Mit vareme yidishe grusn.

Sylvia Schildt, Chair/Forzits
IAYC (International Association of Yiddish Clubs)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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