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Re: Joy of Klez--unsolicited praise

I'll agree with that!  I also organize an ad hoc klezmer band at our
shul, Temple Aliyah in Needham, MA.  Joy of Klez has been among the
easiest sources to work with.  Several of our players are amateur
orchestra musicians and really need the charts.  Being just an amateur
bass guitarist myself (and a rocker at that) I'm glad I don't have to
write arrangements for everything.

I'd also like to plug the Klezmer Band Folio from he Yale Klezmer band. 
Also helpful, though not quite as easy a format to work with as the
Maxwell St. book.

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 09:12, dchevan wrote:
> I've been meaning to share this with the list.  For the past five
> years I've been giving a Family Concert at my synagogue, Mishkan
> Israel in Hamden, CT.  Unlike my other performances this rarely
> involives more than one or two other professional musicians.  The
> group consists pretty much of amateur musicians--computer programmers,
> dentists, etc. who come together for three or four rehearsals and then
> we give the concert.  While we always have a good time it is
> challenging to obtain the  quality performance I seek.  So I am happy
> to report the wonderful results that I obtained using the Maxwell St.
> Band's Joy of Klez book.  It is really a terrific introduction to
> Klezmer for musicians who are not familiar with the idiom.  The charts
> are not overly challenging for these part-time musicians and I was
> surprised how quickly everyone was able to feel the music.  It was so
> much easier to get my trombonist and clarinetist to get the right
> sound and figures than ever before.  I highly recommend this set of
> charts to anyone--especially the type of ensemble I worked with.  
> My only complaint is that there are only ten charts in the collection.
> I hope there will be a volume two as I will probably be giving these
> concerts for years to come!!
> David
Dick Schoeller
mailto:schoeller (at) attbi(dot)com

"Er ist ein Narr, der meint, es sei nicht schad, das Kind
auszuschütten mit dem Bad"         - Thomas Murner 1512

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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