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Toronto music

hi, re Mel Korn's welcome post - I am a little dismayed to see that only
Ashkenazi Jewish music is mentioned. Words such as "vibrancy" are just
right - but the vibrancy of the Jewish community in Toronto is due not
only to its Ashkenazi traditions, but to the Jewish mosaic the city has
become home to in the past few decades - Sephardic in both the
Judeo-Spanish and general sense, Yemenites, Ethiopians, Iraqis, Bene
Israel from INdia - while I'm sure Mel didn't mean to exclude anyone in
his very pleasant and upbeat message, "Jewish" is not synonymous with
Ashkenazi. :)      

For anyone in the Toronto area, while I'm here, Tamar and I will be

Jan. 18. Sephardic and mixed repertoire (Balkans, French Canada,
Medieval Iberia, POrtugal etc), Acoustic Harvest folk club 8 pm

Feb. 11. Lecture-recital on Crypto-Jewish musical traditions in
Portugal. Beth Tikva Synagogue. 7:30 pm

March 6. Sephardic women's repertoires, for Women's Day. Miles Nadal JCC
(Spadina and Bloor), 7:30 pm

and in MOntreal,
May 1. Maison de la Culture, Ahuntsic, Sephardic and other songs.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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