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Re: issues for the wandering Jew(ish lecturer)

Dear friends:

I'm expecting a forthcoming out-of-town invitation that will require plane 
travel--and that poses one issue that hasn't come up before (i.e., in 
previous such excursions); one that's on my mind on account of post-9/11 
issues; and one that I've just put off forever.

Question #1:  The likely inviter has offered to book the plane tix for me, 
or to reimburse me if I want to book them myself (I suppose on account of 
frequent flyer miles and such, though I don't fly that often--my arms get 
too tired [sorry]).  Anyone have any thoughts or experiences in favor of 
either option?  (This would be in mid-winter, so I'm actually a tad uneasy 
about committing to air travel, though I it sounds like an otherwise lovely 
gig and I'm otherwise looking forward.)

#2:  I'm not, in fact, wary about plane travel since 9/11--still safer than 
your average car ride; but I *dread* the stuff being (ineffectually and 
fatuously, I think) being done in the name of "security."  In particular, 
does anyone know if my tapes and CDs--especially the homemade tapes that 
I've compiled by dubbing from LPs--are at risk from scanning, etc.?  (I'm 
planning on taking them on board--wouldn't let them leave me for a second.)

#3:  Finally:  Does anyone know where I can efficiently (i.e., one phone 
call) get *padding* to protect my boombox inside a duffel-like case?  I may 
or may not have to take this with me, actually, but I've meant to ask this 
for a long time; as it is, I just stuff the case with towels, which is 
surely not very effective.

Thanks in advance for any and all eitses.

--Robert Cohen

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