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Re: "Hanukkah In Santa Monica" ...

(Got bounced the first time; hopefully this will go through)

>    Hey, when I looked at the list of his songs, I didn't see another 
> recent creation a friend of mine has sung, that is attributed to Tom Lehrer:
>"H" is for Harvard, that bastion of time ...
>"C" is for Central, the next one on the line
>(etc. for Kendall, Charles, Park and Washington)
>"Put them all together and you get:  'Hckc Pw!'  [imagine the gutteral and 
>spitting sound],  and that's what Boston subways mean to me."
>     Is it on the CD collection?
>     Jonathan
>On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 15:12:19 -0800 Ethan Minovitz 
><mailto:eminovitz (at) canoemail(dot)com>eminovitz (at) canoemail(dot)com 
> > Original message:
> > >From BrittGood (at) aol(dot)com Sun Dec 1 2002
> > Since I've never heard it before, can anyone tell me what melody is 
> used (to the tune of ...?) or where I can hear it for myself, on a CD, 
> website, whatever?
> > Thanks,   Britt Goodman
> > __________
>. . .
> > But if you want to hear Tom Lehrer himself singing his own tune in its 
> entirely, you'll have to get the three-CD Rhino Records boxed set "The 
> Remains of Tom Lehrer". It's fairly expensive, but available from a 
> number of distributors.

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