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Re: Madonna music video stirs unease among Jews

Shirona wrote:
> Why are the Kabbalah people in California "jerks"?  

Because it's a dangerous, discredited cult.  And don't tell me "cult" is a
matter of opinion unless you or someone you love has been in one. Berg is
a thief.

Check out what Rick Ross, Cult Counseling America, the Task Force on Cults,
Cult Awareness Network, and others have to say.  I'm a militant pluralist,
this isn't about claiming a monopoly on truth (unlike the Kaballah Center).

These are stories from people who have been involved and got away:

Yes, Rick can be overzealous, though in his field overzealousness 
is sometimes needed.

There are some damn scary stories that come out of that place.  Madonna
is not in too much trouble becuase, being rich, they will handle her with 
kid gloves to keep the money flowing.

Think Scientology - its a similar kind of organization.  

So the fact that Madonna wants to stir the pot once again and sell records
by being "controversial" does not surprise me - "what else is new".  But
her high profile promotion of this dangerous organization worries me - not
for her, but from those she is recruiting.

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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