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Re: Madonna music video stirs unease among Jews

I.Oppenheim wrote:
> And here is a photo of her wearing the Tefilin leather
> straps:

I see a familiar leather strap - but no tefillin.  What she does is of 
no interest to me, and if it involves half inch wide leather straps I
guess we have no monopoly on those.

Were they true tefillin, it would be another matter - not because she's a
woman - my wife davens with tefillin - but for the disrespect.

So the popular media has made a stupid offensive video.  Yawn.  Ain't news.

OK.  Went a read the article that went with it.  She's enriching those jerks
at the Kabbalah Center.  Ptui ptui ptui.  
So I am offended.  Not because she's a woman - because she's not a Jew and
she's not using them in a respectful way.  

Another false messiah.


r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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