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Madonna music video stirs unease among Jews

Well, here you go:

Oct. 16, 2002
"Madonna music video stirs unease among Jews"


The Jerusalem Post

A new music video by pop star Madonna is generating
controversy among American Jews because of its use of
religious Jewish symbols, New York's Newsday reports.

The video features the blond singer with Hebrew letters
tattooed on her arm, wearing leather straps strikingly
similar to tefillin, and getting electrocuted in a
chair covered with Hebrew writing.

Kenneth Jacobson, Associate National Director of the
Anti-Defamation League, told the paper that while he
does not consider the video anti-Semitic, Jews are
likely to be offended by Madonna's use of tefillin,
which are normally worn by Jewish men during weekday
morning prayers.

"Some people could be offended not just because it's a
woman, but also because she appears to be using it for
something other than Jewish prayer," he said.

Liz Rosenberg, Madonna's spokesman, said, "Madonna
doesn't like to explain her videos in great detail, but
I think there are many messages there and her intention
in making this video was honorable."

The video was released in conjunction with a song
Madonna wrote for the upcoming James Bond movie "Die
Another Day".



  Irwin Oppenheim
  i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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