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Re: Vi nemt men di heylike teg?

  Well, if we continue the list of Russian songs unified by this melodic 
formula, we can be led very far from "didactic" content of the nign... They 
are countless and belong to the genre of so called "city romance" (beginning 
of the 20th century). Shostakovich "created" cristallized and extremely 
catchy version of it for the movie "Maxim's Youth" (1934) - the perfect 
example of a certain style with just the right words (the hero is singing it 
in 1910) - "Krutitsya-vertitsya shar goluboy" with one of the verses "Where 
is that street, where is that house, where is that sweet lady I'm in love 
with?" (it was mentioned before in relation to "Vi iz dus gesele, vi iz dus 
  Now, having warned you, I can't resist quoting another one, my favorite 
(same formula) - also a great example, a little on a teary side. The first 
verse goes like this:
    I was a batallion scout -
    And he was a little pathetic military clerk,
    I was standing up for mother Russia -
    And he was sleeping with my wife.


>From: "Robert A. Rothstein" <rar (at) slavic(dot)umass(dot)edu>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Re: Vi nemt men di heylike teg?
>Date: Tue, 08 Oct 2002 23:01:56 -0400
>SamWeiss (at) bellatlantic(dot)net wrote:
> > I found an audio clip of this song.
> >
> >
>         The beginning seems to be nearly identical to the first line of a 
>Russian song, "Variag" or "Pleshchut kholodnye volny," about the Russian
>cruiser Variag, which was sunk off Korea by its own crew so it wouldn't 
>into the hands of the Japanese during the Russo-Japanese War.
>         Bob Rothstein

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