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Re: greetings- off topic, but current, more

>Chag sameach not a proper Yom Kippur greeting?
>I dunno.  Among the older folks in my (Conservative) shul, the ones
>who were born in Europe before the war, the greeting on Yom Kippur is
>usually "gut yuntif".  It makes some sense to me.  We made it through
>another year, we're into Yom Kippur already, so what's so bad?  At least
>we're here for judgement and sealing!
>I also have to say that beginning the sukkah is not far from my thoughts
>throughout most of Yom Kippur.  It may be a solemn day, but I don't think
>that means it has to be a sad day.

It does *not* have to be a sad day and, indeed, *shouldn't* be a sad day 
(because ultimately we're assured of forgiveness, as we were, if we do real 
teshuvah; see also, if you wish, my citing the "k'[like]Purim" drash in my 
previous posting.  But "not sad" doesn't exactly = simcha/rejoicing.  Again, 
that's not the ikar--the essence or organizing principle--of the day.  
Solemnity is somewhere in the neighborhood--though I am, Heaven [literally] 
knows, not always there.

Jonathan Zimet makes a superbly precise point about Rosh Hashanah as a yom 
tov, as reflected in the candles blessing beginning the day(s).  I share his 
uncertainty--and interest--re Yom Kippur as a yom tov.  My instinct--and, 
for that matter--my practice, and others'--is that it's OK, but I too would 
welcome a rigorous defense of that, or rebuttal of it (in which case I'll 
stop saying it).  I'll look around--and would welcome others' thoughts.

G'mar tov and (anticipating) chag sameach!

--Robert Cohen, talmid of R' Shlomo Carlebach, z"l, who occasionally wished 
people Good Shabbes when it wasn't Shabbes--and probably the same vis-a-vis 
yom tovim

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