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Yiddish Calypso; was elvis

Alex J. Lubet wrote:

>As for Colin Powell, he's also a calypso buff (really!).  If he ever
>retires from public service, perhaps he can combine that with his
>Yiddish skills.
Perhaps if he does, this is the song he could make his signature piece:
(I hope Abbi Wood won't mind if I post this; she is the one who did this 
wonderful translation.  I've been singing it ever since she sent it to me.)

an alt lid, in a karibish-yidish dialekt...

Dos banana-shifl lid (trans. Khayele)

Tog, oy, tog...
Di zun kumt shoyn un ikh vil geyn aheym.
Tog, 'kh zog to-o-og, oy,
Di zun kumt shoyn un ikh vil geyn aheym.

Farmutshe ale nakht mit a trinkl rom
(Di zun kumt shoyn un ikh vil geyn aheym.)

Leyg oys banana biz tzu morgn kum
(Di zun kumt shoyn un ikh vil geyn aheym.)

Kumt, reb tzeylman, tseylt mir bananen,
(Di zun kumt shoyn un ikh vil geyn aheym.)

S'iz a sekhs fus, sibn fus, akht fus hengl,
(Di zun kumt shoyn un ikh vil geyn aheym.)

A hengl shayne tzaytike bananen
(Di zun kumt shoyn un ikh vil geyn aheym.)

Bahalt a shpin mit sam-hamoves
(Di zun kumt shoyn un ikh vil geyn aheym.)

Tog, oy, tog...
Di zun kumt shoyn un ikh vil geyn aheym.
Tog, 'kh zog to-o-og, oy,
Di zun kumt shoyn un ikh vil geyn aheym.

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more info.

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