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Re: elvis

Lorele's helpful info provides food for thought regarding the
hermeneutics of Elvis sightings.  BTW, Memphis has a lovely Jewish
community with good relations with at least part of the African-American
community.  One of the great days of my life was speaking at the
National Civil Rights Museuem in the old Lorraine Hotel, where Rev.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot.  I spoke at the opening of not one,
but two, exhibits on Black-Jewish relations--one on the Civil Rights
movement, the other a collection of bronzes depicting Ethiopian Jews.
We also had a performance of a portion of my African Shabbat with
members of the African-American and Jewish communities.  We had two sax
players--one Jewish, from U of Memphis, one African-American, formerly
with Count Basie.

As for Colin Powell, he's also a calypso buff (really!).  If he ever
retires from public service, perhaps he can combine that with his
Yiddish skills.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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