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Re: No Pictures Please

Not only that, but this is the second time, since I've been on this 
list, that this has been sent.  The first was at least a year ago and 
people yelled at this person then, too.

I.Oppenheim wrote:

>Haven't I been clear enough?
>Please  D O  N O T  S E N D  any  P I C T U R E S
>to this e-mail list (jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org).
>If you don't understand what's wrong with sending
>pictures, here's why:
>A) Your flooding everyone's mailbox with 260KB of data
>that nobody asked you for, but that that we all
>nevertheless must download. This is especially
>inconvenient for people who are on holiday.
>B) Many e-mail programs aren't capable of showing
>inline pictures anyway.
>C) Your pictures are stored in the online archive as a
>massive amount of garbage, which makes it unnecessarily
>difficult to browse through the archive.
>D) In short, you make a lot of people angry.
>Conclusion: do not send any attachment whatsoever to
>people who did not ask you for it. Instead, provide a
>link to a webpage with the pictures, so that people who
>are insterested in it can watch your material.
>  Irwin Oppenheim
>  i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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