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Re: Dance of Death

If I recall correctly, one of the two men was Michael Wex.

>I (and hundreds of others!) saw the dance in
>late December 1997 shortly after a wedding held
>as part of the 13th annual KlezKamp at the
>Paramount Hotel in Parksville (Sullivan County),
>NY. Yes, a genuine wedding was held there, and
>all the KlezKamp participants were invited to
>the ceremony and subsequent celebration,
>complete, of course, with all-star klezmer
>At the time, I thought it was simply clever
>improvisation, not a traditional dance!
>Lots of laughter and cheering came from the
>audience as these two guys -- I never did get
>their names -- threw air punches at each other
>and one went "down for the count." No words were
>exchanged between the two, just lots of action.
>But the cheering was almost deafening when
>the "winner" compassionately proferred a bottle
>to the "loser's" mouth, whereupon the victim was
>instantly resuscitated...and how! *Both* guys
>started dancing something resembling the
>As I recall, there was nothing in the bottle,
>but the two were acting as if something were.
>Face it:  Some of us are like babies. We stop
>crying when we're handed a bottle.
>Happy Fourth of July from your northern
>Ethan Minovitz
>Vancouver, British Columbia
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