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Re: gelbart/dreydl

Tayere Lorele ...

Thanks for the Gelbart tidbit -- coincides wih my own memory. Who was the
mitl shul student so I can write him or her - maybe get that individual in
on the salute in some way. I was touched by the quote that he considered us
all his children.  I remember rehearsal in his khor, we sang at Madison
Square Garden, Carnegie Hall, on WEVD and other venues.

Does anyone have Gelbart photos?

Sylvia Schildt
Baltimore, Maryland


The hotel contract was signed yesterday - so the conference dates and venue
are definite - Pikesville Hilton, Baltimore, Maryland - Sept. 4,5,6,7- 2003.

Now we get to the good stuff -- planning the special events, entertainment,
workshops and lerer sessions.

Plenty of time for yidish lerers worldwide to start saving up, or going for
grants and scholarships in their respective communities. Watch for
subsequent info on conference rates.

The first meeting of the IAYC (I was there) was at a MameLoshn conference in
Connecticut - and it too was a conference within a conference.  hope if
enough lerers come, it might become the kickoff of our own internatzyonaler
lerer fareyn.

Lerers will be particularly interested in meeting woih and hearing David
Weintraub of the Dora Teitelboim Foundation and the things they are doing to
spread Yiddish teaching into the Day Schools and the rest of the Jewish
Community of South Florida - a dugma for us all.

Sylvia Schildt
on 6/29/02 6:50 AM, Lori Cahan-Simon at l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org 

> Khaveyrim,
> You may remember my ongoing struggle to get to the bottom of the
> dreydl/dreidel issue of who is the original composer, Gelbart or
> Goldfarb (Gelbart having been my guess).  Here is the latest
> communication I have had about it.  Can anyone corroborate or expand on
> this information?
> a dank,
> Lorele
> Mikh Gelbart died childless.  He always said that the children of the
> Arbeter-Ring (Workmen's Circle) Yiddish schools were his children.  He
> was the music teacher of the Arbeter-Ring mitlshul (supplementary
> high-school) when I was a student there (1942-1946).  We all "knew"
> that he was the composer of "Ikh bin a kleyner dreydl."
> When I worked in the national Education Department at 175 E. Broadway,
> NYC , during the early 1950s, the primary secretary to the then Ed
> Director, Nokhem Khanin (Chanin), Millie Melnick, once indicated that
> Gelbart had written the song that was now being claimed by someone
> else, and that he, Gelbart, thought seriously of suing the interloper,
> but did not have the financial means to sustain what could have been a
> long, and costly trial.  It is a "sod far gantz brod," that teachers in
> the AR Shuln were not people of means. And so he decided not to resort
> to the legal system, and let the matter rest in no-man's land.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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