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Re: Beregovski sources

----- Original Message -----
From: <Muziker (at) aol(dot)com>
To: <Huppert23 (at) aol(dot)com>; <JBHuppert (at) attbi(dot)com>
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 9:58 AM
Subject: Beregovski sources

> Hub,
> If this issue is still alive, you can quote the following to the list;
> The recent translated publication of Beregovski's research of Jewish
> Instrumental Folk Music suffers from numerous errors and omissions, and
> titles and annotations to the accompanying CD are no exception.
> the book is an extremely valuable resource, although using it effectively
> require a lot of work and patience!
> I cannot go into all the details about the contents of the CD and which of
> the printed tunes are represented, but I can make a few suggestions:
> 1. Appendix C on page 47 contains a list that will help with identifying
> first 10 items on the CD.  There are several omissions here which I cannot
> into now, but tune number 129 next to the record title "Mein Thaiere
> should be #128.
> 2. The identification of the first track on the CD is a gross mistake - it
> actually the Belf Orchestra recording of "Simkhas Toyre," Syrena 11083.
> 3.The title of track 4 on the CD is actually "Doina Und Serba" and it is
> "serba" part of this recording that is represented in the book. (see
> C)
> For tracks 11-18, try the following:
> 11 - #59
> 12 - #86
> 13 - four seperate tunes, I think, beginning with #83
> 14 - #75
> 15 - #8
> 16 - #16 & #180 (The book says #172 but this is another mistake)
> 17 - #40
> 18 - #13 (not #12 as the book says)
> 18 - #12 and #71
> I hope this helps, and that i haven't made too many mistakes in dashing
> off!
> Kurt Bjorling

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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