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Lloica Czackis wrote:
> I'm looking for the biography, works catalogue, and any other info on Polish
> composer Jerzy Petersbursky (1895-1979). He wrote songs such as "Oh Donna
> Clara" (which was performed by the Comedian Harmonists, among others) and
> instumental pieces like "El sol sueño" (recorded by Gidon Kremer).
> Apparently he travelled to Argentina and wrote some tangos, which is why I'd
> like to know more about him.

Some info:

Jerzy Petersburski (born as Jerzy Melodysta) in Warsaw. Absolved Warsaw
Conservatory and composision, piano oand conducting in Wien. In 1921
worked with Alelsander Vertynski. In 1926 founden, with Artur Gold,
chamber orchestra , playing in warsaw cabarets (Quio pro Quo, Morskie
Oko and Banda). Many record sessions with Eugeniusz Bodo, Chor Dana,
Jerzy Czaplicki, Mieczyslaw Fogg, Ludwok Sempolinski. Composed many
waltzes, tngos and foxtrots. Most famous was "Tango Milongo" known
worldwide as "Oh!Donna Clara" (most known interpretions: Al Jolson,
Henry Varny, Edith Piaf and many others).
In 1939 as sergeant served in Polish Air Forces. In 1940 moved to USSR.
Continued hic career in Soviet Union and composed one of the finest war
songs "Goluboy platok" (The Blue Handkerchief) sung by Klavdya
Shulzhenko. From the USSR he moved the Polish Army formed by gen.Anders
and in 1947 sttled in Brasil, where played in piano duo with Alfred
Schuetz.In 48-68 lived in Argentina. Cooperation with radio El Mondo in
Buenos. Composed hit "All roads lead to Buenos AIres". Eight bars of
this song became the radio jingle. In Buenos he also lead with Kazimierz
Krukowski (Lopek) theatre El National. After death of his wife moved to
Caracas and in 1968 returned to Poland. Married again with singer Sylwia
His late son Jerzy Petersburski jr is the moderator in Polish TV


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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