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Re: Tanz! liner notes etc.

In a message dated 5/14/02 4:05:48 PM, SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com writes:

<< Anyways, a 
quick glance at the detailed notes shows attentive detail as to who, Dave or 
Sam, plays clarinet where on each track without any specific mention of Ray 
or any other instrument for that matter.  I don't know who the other sidemen 
in "the ensemble" were either. >>

The original notes do mention which track Dave or Sammy was playing on but 
gives no information about who the talented ensemble was. That only came out 
by checking the recording ledgers, the pay records and interviewing the 
surviving members of the session. The original notes also gave no composer 
credits, a major omission. 
Ray Musiker was a critical part of what made the "TANZ!" session so powerful. 
 Arranger/brother Sam Musiker entrusted his young brother Ray with the 
important role of the inner voice tenor sax and the honorific place of being 
the 3rd clarinet (after Dave and himself) on the LP's meltdown version of 

Henry Sapoznik

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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