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white way / abe schwartz (was Re: Tanz! liner notes etc.)

Henry, I wonder if you could say a word on a boring technical aspect
of the transfers.  

The question that I *really* am interested in is how you determined
playback speed.  Did you have good information about the original
RPMs, did you work with the generally accepted notion that acoustic 
Columbia's were 80 RPM, or did you do some kind of pitch matching?
I noticed that the few tunes I checked seemed to be on a 440 Hz "A".
I would not prpesume that A-440 would be standard in the acoustical era,
but I wouldn't presume the opposite eitehr.  

Anyway, my question is, on the (nominal) 78s, how did you determine the
proper playback speed?  

I also have an idle curiosity in the mechanics (or non-mechanics)
of the transfers.  Did you pop vinyl from the metal. or some other 
material?  Or was it more impressive than that - some kind of laser
scanning of the metal?

r l reid        ro (at) rreid(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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