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Re: Music and "politics"

Dear Shira,
       Since the time of the postings about Germany, a lot has happened.  
       Everyone has an opinion or two about the state of Israel and world 
Jewry, and most of them are emotional.
       It's only sensible to restrict the list to music discussions, because 
otherwise the threads would bear threads at a pace that would make a virus 
       Maybe when things cool down, the list could use the excitement of a 
music-political debate.  (After all, how often can we work over Kol Isha?)  
For now, if someone posts something that starts a music-free thread, I think 
that Ari has every right to quash it.  Otherwise, instead of half-a-dozen 
emails a day, we'll all be getting dozens, which eventually no one will read 
at all.

Respectful of your parade but mindful of the rules,

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