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Re: [OT] posts without sender info

on 4/26/02 9:53 AM, Animatrixie at happibeatz (at) earthlink(dot)net wrote:

> Heh, I'm beginning to think this list may be completely infested with
> viruses!  I experienced 40 out of 55 emails I received yesterday to be
> either blank messages, a single dot in the message body, or just a flat
> out "hurry, read this email!" type of common virus trap.  I've never had
> 40 come over on a single day, though, and it just left me a bit puzzled
> at the very worst because I use a Mac, and those viruses don't affect
> Macs (other than attempting to fill up my mailbox).  I got a few of
> those blank message headers, too, and a few of them were from list user
> addresses.  *shrug*
> Animatrixie
It has nothing to do with the list, rather, some list member(s) who,
unintentionally, passed on the virus. The virus actually changes the "From"
in the emails. Like most virii, it's annoying but fixable. All Windows users
should update their virus software and apply the appropriate security
updates. Or switch to a Mac--just kidding. 8-)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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