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Re: [OT] posts without sender info

Heh, I'm beginning to think this list may be completely infested with 
viruses!  I experienced 40 out of 55 emails I received yesterday to be 
either blank messages, a single dot in the message body, or just a flat 
out "hurry, read this email!" type of common virus trap.  I've never had 
40 come over on a single day, though, and it just left me a bit puzzled 
at the very worst because I use a Mac, and those viruses don't affect 
Macs (other than attempting to fill up my mailbox).  I got a few of 
those blank message headers, too, and a few of them were from list user 
addresses.  *shrug*

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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