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Re: [OT] posts without sender info

on 4/26/02 9:06 AM, Seth Austen at klezmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net wrote:

> About half the messages I received from this list this morning have the
> sender line blank as well. This started happening yesterday, but with much
> less frequency. I'm mystified!
> Seth

This might be related to the recent strain(s) of the Klez virus that seems
to be moving around furiously. As far as the Klez virus is concerned:

I did some research and learned that this virus is fixable. Anyone who has a
Windows machine should consider updating their antivirus software

Nu? You don't have antivirus software? You might want to visit this virus
resource site:

The latest definitions should deal with the problem...check with the
manufacturers web site. Also, if you are running Windows, you might also
consider applying some of the recent security updates that are available
that I think take care of Outlook Express and Internet Explorer.

The Klez virus doesn't affect Mac users directly (because the email
attachment is a Windows executable) but may affect some software running on
Virtual PC.

Hope that helps,

ps here's an article from Wired about this virus:,1282,52055,00.html

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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