Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: [OT] if not here, where to go for political discussion?

Nothing that specific comes to mind immediately, although if you pop the word 
Maven into a browser, you'll get a Jewish search engine with hundreds of links 
on all sorts of topics.  I also like FLAME, Facts and Logic about the Middle 
as a source of information, though not discussion.

I apologize for going off-topic in my efforts to send others elsewhere when 
they wish to go off-topic.  I'm not entirely convinced that the recent 
discussions of NPR were off-topic, insofar as music only exists in context and 
that context
is at least as much political as it is anything else.  We go off-topic all the 
time on this list but, to paraphrase Orwell in Animal Farm, some off-topics are 
more equal than others.  I also think that in times of crisis, and we may be
living through one now, Malcolm X. may have been correct in saying "by any 
means necessary."  Nonetheless, if we can help people to reference more 
precisely relevant sources for discussion and information about the current 
situation in the
Middle East, that's what we should do.  And we should all be passionately 

git shabes,

Yakov Chodosh wrote:

> Can Ari or anyone else recommend a good discussion server for current Jewish 
> political issues? I want to be reading such mail, and perhaps Elliot K.and 
> the other people who want to discuss such topics could subscribe also to that 
> list.
> -yakov.
> "You are dangerous and culturally irresponsible." -Asya Vaisman, out of 
> context.
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 
> ---------------------+

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