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Re: Terkishe vs Terkisher

Sandra Layman, citing Weinreich,  is right about "boyberiker" but wrong
about "terkisher."  The adjective "terkish" is an ordinary adjective
(like "rusish," "frantsoyzish" etc.) and takes the usual endings
(masculine -er, plural -e, etc.), as Asya Vaisman pointed out. In the
adjective "boyberiker," as in other adjectives derived from place names
(varshaver, adeser etc.), the -er is part of the stem, not an ending,
and the adjective is undeclined, i.e., it doesn't agree with the noun it
modifies since it takes no endings. So, e.g.,
        a boyberiker/varshaver/adeser klezmer
boyberiker/varshaver/adeser klezmorim
        a terkisher/rusisher/frantsoyzisher klezmer
terkishe/rusishe/frantsoyzishe klezmorim.

                    Bob Rothstein

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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