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Re: dating Amudai Shaish w/ Avraham Fried

on 4/24/02 9:24 PM, r l reid at ro (at) panix(dot)com wrote:

> No, not a shidduch with A Fried - rather, the Aderet CD rerelease of
> "Amudai Shaish - Their First Wedding Album" with the - I think - more
> recently added cachet "Introducing Avraham Fried" bears a copyright date
> of 2000, but has a much more dated sound - and besides, I know they weren't
> "introducing Avraham Fried" in 2000!
> Anybody have a date - ballpark or otherwise - on this one?  As well as any
> other interesting personel in the orchestra.  The producers are listed
> in excruciating detail, but not the egoless musicians, of course.
> Wow - just listening to the synth line on "Smorgasbord Melody" - this
> can't be newer than the late 70's.

I am either ashamed or proud to say that bought this album when it came out,
which would put it around summer of 1979 or so. I have worked frequently
with all the guys on the album, and have a number of stories to tell, but
will only do so on request.:)

Jordan Hirsch 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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