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Re: Artie Shaw

Artie Shaw is featured on All Songs Considered (can be found on the NPR 
web-site), where I got both of these quotes of his. They play the Chant Air 
Check where he goes into the Jewish music. 

“Jewish people were looked down on. I was ashamed of being a Jew; I’m no 
longer ashamed of that. It’s the way it was. People ask if being Jewish has 
anything to do with your playing. If you listen to “Nightmare,” my theme, 
and listen to what the clarinet plays, there’s an awful lot of Yiddish 
influence in that. You’re what you are. In music it is very revealing. “

“Someone pointed out the two great exponents of this kind of music during my 
period were me and Goodman. We were both Jewish by Russian background. It’s 
not some accident that we both did what we did.”

Matt Temkin - Mattflight (at) aol(dot)com
    Assistant Archivist; Klezmer Conservatory Foundation
    Jewish Music Percussionist

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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