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Re: songs of peace?

On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Robert Cohen wrote:

> >As for your depression over the lack of peace songs in Arabic (and I will 
> >not
> >wax political for fear of going off the music topic), people who are
> >peace-loving, or at least inclined to coexistence, rarely get good PR or 
> >make
> >many hits.
> I know that Lori meant no ill at all by this post, but I think it--at least 
> read literally, as it is written--veers toward a dangerous apologetics re 
> the distinctly *non-* peace-loving Palestinians and (sadly, virtually all) 
> Arabs.
>  . . . . .......

Well now, let's talk about individual music-makers.  What do you think
Ariel Sharon was singing when he went up the Temple Mount or when he sent
troops into refugee camps.  Do you think he <<ever>> sang a song about

Yoram Gelman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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