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Re: songs of peace?

>As for your depression over the lack of peace songs in Arabic (and I will 
>wax political for fear of going off the music topic), people who are
>peace-loving, or at least inclined to coexistence, rarely get good PR or 
>many hits.

I know that Lori meant no ill at all by this post, but I think it--at least 
read literally, as it is written--veers toward a dangerous apologetics re 
the distinctly *non-* peace-loving Palestinians and (sadly, virtually all) 

People who are peace-loving don't make hits?  Don't get good PR?  "Give 
Peace a Chance" was sung all over this country--and maybe all over the 
world.  So, definitely, was "Blowing in the Wind" (which was translated into 
and recorded in Hebrew; I wonder if it ever was into Arabic).  "All You Need 
Is Love"?  "Shir L'Shalom" was a "hit" in its way--and so were other Israeli 
peace songs.  It's late and I'm sleepy, but I'm sure I could come up with 
dozens of other "hit"--or, anyway, widely sung, peace songs.

Not to mention the closely related genre (negative, though, rather than 
affirmative--as Pete Seeger or Peter Yarrow might saw) of anti-war songs.  I 
guess "Blowin' in the Wind" qualifies--and, of course, many, many others.

--Robert Cohen

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